It's in Budapest that my trip started - a lovely 5 days with the even lovelier Giuliana. Are we not a nice couple?

Budapest is a really nice city and the world knows about it - it's full of tourists. One thing to mentionne so, it was bloody cold and rainy so the pictures are not so great, sorry about that. Below you can admire a view of the palace on the Buda side taken from the tour of the Basilic on the Pest side. It was destroyed and rebuild many time hence its 17th century style.

Another impressive monument is the Parlement - even more than the English parlement on the Pest side. We never woke up early enough to be able to visit it...

Me in the cover market, next to our 5 stars appartement (thanks Giu for finding this lovely place). Half of the market's visitor are tourists (a special floor full of souvenirs shop is dedicated to them) but the ground floor is a proper market where Englisg is not much spoken - good place for shopping.

The two famouse adventurer, going to discover the secret of Asia...

Our host and guide for the weekend - Fabien - best friend at grammar school spending 9months in Budapest for an internship and a friend of his, the lovely and full of life Francine!

Fabien brought us to a medival restaurant (I loved it of course) where you eat with your fingers (even so the girls were a bit redunctant at the begining, after 5 attempts to us a fork and knif, they abandonned and played the game). Below you can the the portion for 4people - we almost finished it at 5... Ilias you would have lovde the place!
During the dinner I was even made night after completing 3 trials:
- what is your favorite colour - Red, mh not blue
- kneel down in front of Giu (standing on the table, I could look up her skirt :-) and singing her a love song (chevalier de la table ronde...). Some people in the restaurant sung with me...
- And finnaly make an owth (don't remeber what i said)
After those hard trials I was made knight - Pierre the Brave!!!

And then we took the train for Lviv!
See you
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