A young man from Switzerland lost in the middle of the English countryside:
Name: Pierre-David Andre
Location: Loughborough
Status: In a relationship with the beautiful Giuliana
Employment: Development Engineer at Rolls-Royce Fuel Cell System
Hobbies: LARP, RPJ, Squash and badminton and of course drinking good whisky!

After more than two years in this small town where a third of the population are students I had time to discover most of the subtlety of English life style: lack of sunshine, mini squirt, drunken students, disco music and English ales. This can sounds like a great and enjoyable life but it's quite repetitive with not much new excitements and you should know that a lot of my good friends like Barbara, Luca, Graeme, Fiona, Chris, Matthias, Alex to mention only a few, already left each time with a part of my soul. And of course my dearest Giuliana back in Rome!
I need new challenges, meet new people and see different life style, therefore I'm planning to leave and travel around the word and in particular in Asia.
I set the following rules for my trip:
- Only one flight allowed, for the return
- Travel during at least six months
- Destination Nouvelle Zealand
- One backpack only as luggage
I share with you the first sketch for my trip:

- Train to Moscow with stop in Berlin and Praha
- Than travel with the trans-Mongolian with break at Perm, Irkust, Ulan Bator and finally Beijing
- Once there, Travel along the China Sea direction Thailand
- Who knows...
I keep you updated!
Name: Pierre-David Andre
Location: Loughborough
Status: In a relationship with the beautiful Giuliana
Employment: Development Engineer at Rolls-Royce Fuel Cell System
Hobbies: LARP, RPJ, Squash and badminton and of course drinking good whisky!

After more than two years in this small town where a third of the population are students I had time to discover most of the subtlety of English life style: lack of sunshine, mini squirt, drunken students, disco music and English ales. This can sounds like a great and enjoyable life but it's quite repetitive with not much new excitements and you should know that a lot of my good friends like Barbara, Luca, Graeme, Fiona, Chris, Matthias, Alex to mention only a few, already left each time with a part of my soul. And of course my dearest Giuliana back in Rome!
I need new challenges, meet new people and see different life style, therefore I'm planning to leave and travel around the word and in particular in Asia.
I set the following rules for my trip:
- Only one flight allowed, for the return
- Travel during at least six months
- Destination Nouvelle Zealand
- One backpack only as luggage
I share with you the first sketch for my trip:

- Train to Moscow with stop in Berlin and Praha
- Than travel with the trans-Mongolian with break at Perm, Irkust, Ulan Bator and finally Beijing
- Once there, Travel along the China Sea direction Thailand
- Who knows...
I keep you updated!